Dangerous goods regulatory update
Customers are advised that the newest version of the International Marine Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code comes into effect on 1 January 2024. This will be Amendment 41-22 of the code.
Marine Atlantic is governed by the Canadian Transportation Dangerous Goods (TDG) Regulations, which are supported by the stowage and segregation requirements in Section 7 of the IMDG code for marine transportation. Dangerous goods shipments travelling on our service must adhere to requirements from both these sources.
Stowage and segregation requirements from the IMDG code specify under what conditions commodities can travel. This includes if they require a restricted sailing, or how goods may be transported together, such as if they may be in the same transport unit or on the same vessel. The chart in Section 7.2.4 of the code shows the segregation requirements between classes. Some commodities also have additional segregation requirements which would be listed under the individual UN numbers in the code.