Helping to Make Wishes Come True

On Sunday, July 14, Marine Atlantic had the honour of hosting David and his family onboard the MV Atlantic Vision for a crossing between Port aux Basques and North Sydney.

David is an extraordinary young man and has a very strong interest in the military.  Through the tremendous work of the Children’s Wish Foundation, David is now spending a few days as a member of the military at CFB Gagetown in New Brunswick. As part of his wish, David travelled with Marine Atlantic on his way to New Brunswick and was made an honourary crew member for the day by the staff onboard the MV Atlantic Vision.

As soon as David arrived on the vessel he was given the red carpet treatment and a full Chief Engineer’s uniform to help our crew sail the vessel across the Gulf. A day on the bridge can work up quite a hunger, so a special reception was held and a cake decorated as a military jacket (baked by Marine Atlantic’s Executive Chef) was presented to David.  When the vessel arrived in North Sydney, Honourary Captain David did a great job helping the bridge crew dock the vessel. The crew felt David’s presence as assistant Captain made it an easier task.


To bring a little more enjoyment during the rest of their trip, the crew members of the MV Atlantic Vision, Marine Atlantic’s reservations staff, and our Customer Experience Department reached into their own pockets to help David purchase a few extra items during his road trip.  We’re sure he’ll pick up some military souvenirs along the way!


Thanks to David and his family for making the crossing so special and thanks to the Captain, Officers and Crew of the MV Atlantic Vision for doing what they do best, making people smile.