Marine Atlantic Proud to Support the Newfoundland and Labrador Outfitter’s Association AGM

Every fall, thousands of hunters travel to the Newfoundland and Labrador woods, bogs and mountains in search of big game. While residents of the province enjoy the quality time they spend outdoors, there are many non-resident hunters from across Canada and the United States who enjoy the experience just as much. At Marine Atlantic, we transport many hunters who drive to the province with their supplies, off road vehicles and trailers for the opportunity to hunt moose, caribou and bears.

As proud supporters of the Newfoundland and Labrador Outfitter’s Association, we are pleased to be sponsoring this year’s Annual General Meeting in Steady Brook from December 3-5. We continue our efforts in transporting the many hunters looking for a big game experience and the economic benefits it brings to the provincial tourism industry.

To all the hunters still trying to find their elusive animal, good luck! For those planning a trip to the province, please feel free to log onto our website, to find out all the details you need for booking a trip.

We look forward to seeing you in Steady Brook!

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