The Original MV Abegweit

Marine Atlantic, its predecessor CN Marine, and pre-confederation Newfoundland coastal boats have a strong and proud history serving the people of Atlantic Canada through ferry terminals, passenger vessels and rail service.

In this week’s blog posting we highlight the original MV Abegweit, which made the Prince Edward Island-New Brunswick crossing from 1947-1982. The vessel’s name was taken from the Mi’kmaq word for Prince Edward Island.

The original MV Abegweit, later renamed the MV Abby, was launched as a powerful ice-breaking ship that resembled a luxury liner. When the time came to retire the vessel, the new replacement vessel was given the same name as a tribute to the hard work and dedication shown by the original during its years of service. We hope you enjoy these photos which show a strong and proud vessel that played a vital role in serving the people of Prince Edward Island and the many tourists who visited the province.

the original abeqweit docked
the original abeqweit docked
the original abeqweit docked
the original abeqweit sailling
the original abeqweit sailing
the original abeqweit sailing through ice