Proud of our History - the SS Minto

Marine Atlantic, its predecessor CN Marine, and pre-confederation Newfoundland coastal boats have a strong and proud history serving the people of Atlantic Canada through ferry terminals, passenger vessels and rail service.

Named after Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, the 4th Earl of Minto, who served as Canada’s 8th Governor General, the vessel was introduced to primarily sail between Georgetown, Prince Edward Island, and Pictou, Nova Scotia. A steel icebreaker with 2900 horsepower, the vessel was stronger and heavier than its predecessors to travel through heavy winter ice. Transporting passengers, mail and freight, the vessel was designed to provide increased year-round reliability for the service.

As always, we welcome your photos for posting in a future blog. Please email your photos to [email protected] including any facts such as the date and location.

In next week’s blog posting, we highlight the SS St. George that sailed between Saint John and Digby in 1913 and 1914.