Proud of our History - the SS Prospero

Marine Atlantic, its predecessor CN Marine, and pre-confederation Newfoundland coastal boats have a strong and proud history serving the people of Atlantic Canada through ferry terminals, passenger vessels and rail service.

As part of the late 19thcentury tradition of the Bowring Brothers’ steamship fleet, the vessel was named after a Shakespearean character, in this case from the novel The Tempest. Used as a coastal vessel to transport passengers, cargo and mail, the ship also served as a sealing vessel for one trip in 1925 and was used as a rescue vessel to transport survivors from shipping disasters such as the Florizel.

We hope you enjoy these photos of one of the early coastal boats that served coastal Newfoundland communities for over three decades.

As always, we welcome your photos for posting in a future blog. Please email your photos to [email protected]  including any facts such as the date and location.

In next week’s blog posting, we highlight the MV Marine Atlantica which serviced the Port aux Basques-North Sydney crossing from 1975-1987.